2025 3 月
- 14CMDW盒子:免网盘VIP极速下载
- 14养鱼模拟器/Fish Game
- 14世界赛车2:冠军版/World Racing 2 - Champion Edition
- 14炼金术商店模拟器/Alchemist Shop Simulator
- 14尸境求生/Mansion of the Dead
- 14帝国霸业:银河生存/Empyrion - Galactic Survival
- 14灵魂石幸存者/Soulstone Survivors
- 14美德传奇fRemastered/Tales of Graces f Remastered
- 14风暴工程:建造和救援/Stormworks: Build and Rescue
- 14化石燃料2/Fossilfuel 2
- 14恶梦:疯子/Nightmare: The Lunatic
- 144S店模拟器/Auto Sale Life
- 14远征:泥泞奔驰游戏/Expeditions: A MudRunner Game/支持网络联机
- 14开拓者:正义之怒/Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous
- 14云顶之上/Aloft
- 14绝命毒师模拟器2/Drug Dealer Simulator 2/支持网络联机
- 14雪地奔驰/SnowRunner/支持网络联机
- 14法外枭雄:滚石城/Crime Boss: Rockay City
2025 3 月
- 13漫游驿站/Wanderstop
- 13命运:重生/FATE: Reawakened
- 13Emberfly
- 13海盗船长/Corsair`s Madness
- 13作弊猎豹/Cheaters Cheetah/支持网络联机
- 13刃狱/Blade Abyss
- 13重力翻转X/Gravity Flip X
- 13佣兵小队自走棋/Mercenary Squad Auto Chess
- 13肉鸽文明/Rogue Hex
- 13后室:一起逃脱/Backrooms: Escape Together
- 13石质碎片/紫色晶石/Stoneshard
- 13亿万僵尸军团/They Are Billions
- 13骰子闯魔城/Dice & Fold
- 13卧龙:苍天陨落/Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
- 13扑猫时刻/Time to Morp
- 13异星工厂/Factorio
- 13后室:一起逃脱/Backrooms: Escape Together/支持网络联机
- 13机甲战士5:部落/MechWarrior 5: Clans
- 13殖民地/AColony
- 13模拟露营:小队/露营模拟器/Camping Simulator: The Squad
- 13一个简单的扔垃圾游戏/A Simple Garbage Sorting Game
- 13又一个僵尸幸存者/Yet Another Zombie Survivors
- 13停车场拉力赛道/Parking Garage Rally Circuit
- 13黄昏的天使/Angel at Dusk
- 13钢铁雄心4/Hearts of Iron IV/支持网络联机
- 13旅者之憩/旅客休息/Travellers Rest
- 13造物主2/Reus 2
- 13极限竞速8/极限竞速:赛车运动/Forza Motorsport
2025 3 月
- 12龙堂轶事:刷刷聊聊/WYRMHALL: Brush and Banter
- 12屠夫溪/Butcher's Creek
- 12咸鱼殿下/My journey
- 12剑与酱汁/Sword With Sauce
- 12狗与哥布林/Dog And Goblin
- 12元素与构筑/Elements and build
- 12又一个攀登游戏/Yet Another Climbing Game
- 12异世界创造者/Creator of Another World
- 12前线:二战突击兵团/Frontline: Assault Corps WW2
- 12浪人崛起/Rise of the Ronin
- 12罗宾汉:舍伍德卫士/Robin Hood: Sherwood Defenders
- 12冰宫传说2/Beyond the Ice Palace 2
- 121428:西里西亚上空的阴影/1428: Shadows over Silesia
- 12猫好货坏/ORDER 13
- 12羿与千月/Yi and the Thousand Moons
- 12猜猜我是谁/Lost Lullabies: The Orphanage Chronicles
- 12瓦西丽莎与巴巴雅嘎/Vasilisa and Baba Yaga
- 12极地煎蛋/Arctic Eggs
- 12末日车队/The Dead Await
- 12我的梦想卧室/My Dream Setup
- 12控制 - 终极合辑/Control Ultimate Edition
- 12Captain Bones: 海盗之旅/骨头船长/Captain Bones : A Pirate's Journey
- 12冒牌猫谜/Copycat
- 12不容进犯/None Shall Intrude
- 12护林猿神/Dunjungle
- 12虚拟无限计划/Virtua Unlimited Project
- 12消防模拟/警情模拟/急救模拟/Flashing Lights - Police, Firefighting, Emergency Services Simulator
- 12梦境核心/Dreamcore
- 12幻恋夜宴: 恋恋的幻觉夜宴 ~/Halluci-Sabbat of Koishi
- 12铁路调度模拟器/铁路路线/Rail Route
2025 3 月
- 11Suit for Hire
- 11六角追凶/The Hex
- 11巫师石/Witching Stone
- 11卡牌生存:奇幻森林/Card Survival: Fantasy Forest
- 11你的老母/Your Mother
- 11我即军团:替身幸存者/I Am Legion: Stand Survivors
- 11捣蛋鬼神童/Poltergeist Prodigy
- 11甘露岛 - 温馨的农场商店/Sugardew Island - Your cozy farm shop
- 11史莱姆英雄/Slime Heroes
- 11触手回春/Do No Harm
- 11传说法师2/Wizard of Legend 2/支持网络联机
- 11旅者之憩/旅客休息/Travellers Rest/支持网络联机
- 11哨卫计划/SENTRY/支持网络联机
- 11不朽猎人/Immortal Hunters
- 11风中行者/Windblown
- 11角斗士公会经理/Gladiator Guild Manager
- 11遗忘之海/Forgotten Seas
- 11笼子/KLETKA/支持网络联机
- 11虚空列车/Voidtrain/支持网络联机
- 11家族传奇:马匹养成竞技/Rival Stars Horse Racing: Desktop Edition
- 11冲突时代:世界大战模拟器/Ages of Conflict: World War Simulator
- 11再来一张/Dungeons & Degenerate Gamblers
- 11方舟动物园/Ark Nova
- 11沙行者/Sandwalkers
- 11被感染者/The Infected
- 11异端尖叉/Heretics Fork
- 11矮人军团自走棋/Dwarves: Glory, Death and Loot
- 11地下城4/Dungeons 4/支持网络联机
- 11猎人:荒野的召唤/theHunter: Call of the Wild/支持网络联机
- 11舍伍德侠盗团/Gangs of Sherwood
- 11缠结塔/缠绕之塔/Tangle Tower
- 11罗格:救世传说/Rogue: Genesia
- 11面包和年糕/Bread and Fred
2025 3 月
- 10诡墓/Dread Tomb
- 10软盘奇遇/MainFrames
- 10角斗机甲 - AI竞技场/GLADIABOTS - AI Combat Arena
- 10酒馆好时光/Inn Tycoon
- 10时空轮回/Ever 17 - The Out of Infinity
- 10第七夜:无限的终结/Never 7 - The End of Infinity
- 10暗影帷幕:五轮传奇/Shadowveil: Legend of The Five Rings
- 10变态监狱/HENPRI
- 10特工杜诺兹/Agent Dunoz
- 10SCP:大流行病/SCP: 5K
- 10浪人武士/Rogue Samurai
- 10天空流浪者/空中盗贼/Sky Rogue
- 10最终幻想5像素复刻版/FINAL FANTASY V
- 10永恒之门/Evergate
- 10寂静的风/The Stillness of the Wind
- 10机械制造者/Trailmakers
- 10极渊/INMOST
- 10最终幻想4像素复刻版/FINAL FANTASY IV
- 10蔚蓝/Celeste
- 10最终幻想3/Final Fantasy III
- 10怪兽远征/怪物的远征/A Monster's Expedition
- 10马拉维拉岛的奇禽异兽/Beasts of Maravilla Island
- 10春天的瀑布/Spring Falls
- 10飞艇:征服天空/Airships: Conquer the Skies
- 10云中庭/云端花园/Cloud Gardens
- 10熵幸存者/Entropy Survivors
- 10KovaaK的FPS枪法模拟器/KovaaK's FPS Aim Trainer
- 10售货精英/Saleblazers
2025 3 月
- 9双影奇境/Split Fiction/支持网络联机
- 9龙的传人:孤旅/Dragonkin: The Banished
- 9狭间骑士/Knights in Tight Spaces
- 9勇闯西部/World to the West
- 9不/存在的你,和我/The NOexistenceN of you AND me
- 9纵横命途/Cross Blitz
- 9绯红庄园的继承权/赤红庄园的传承/The Inheritance of Crimson Manor
- 9浅红2/轻松挂彩2/Easy Red 2
- 9绿洲任务:殖民模拟/Oasis Mission: Colony Sim
- 9网球精英4/Tennis Elbow 4
- 9地狱王座/Solium Infernum